Tank Intro - Lagoon 25
Above is the original BioCube 29 (left), moved to IM 40 (right), now currently a Lagoon 25
Above - The Swap
My first tank was a BioCube 29 that I bought used in July 2014. I had the tank set up almost 2 years before moving and setting everything up in an IM 40. I really didn't like the depth for the IM 40, so after only 4 months, I swapped the tank out for a Lagoon 25. I love the tank so much more!
The tank sits on a custom stand that my boyfriend helped me make. It is a functional piece that houses my cat's litter box in the bottom and has a shelf for all the electrical.
For equipment I use the stock pump, a Neo-Therm heater, Smart ATO, inTank media basket, and a Nanobox Duo. I have an RW-4 to add for extra flow at some point, but I need to get a new power supply for it. Luckily, my corals don't seem to mind the low flow. I used new sand (about 15lbs), and used old rock I had epoxied together from ReefCleaners and used in the BioCube.
I have had Lenny (boy) and Squiggy (girl) the clownfish since the biocube, so they are about 2 years old at this point. Over the past few weeks, Squiggy has decided that the duncan makes a great home. It's pretty adorable. There is also a cleaner shrimp in the tank named Rickety Cricket.
I'm really enjoying how shallow the tank is - especially that I can look down on my corals so easily for a top down view. I have a few corals in the tank I need to get rid of - the sand bed is much more crowded than I'd like. Once I clear out a few things, I'd like to get another fish or two for the tank, but I'm looking for something a little unique.
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